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Although Animal Rescue Financial Support, Inc. (ARFS) does not trap, shelter, foster, or adopt animals, it does network with animal rescuers who do.  If you are interested in volunteering your time, talent, and love to help rescue animals, ARFS can plug you into the right organization for you.  Contact ARFS to find out how.





Foster homes are needed to temporarily care for dogs and cats waiting to be adopted, or to be spayed/neutered, or to be admitted to a shelter, or to be transported to a shelter outside the local area.  ARFS financially supports foster homes.

On occasion kittens are found or removed from a dangerous place before they are weaned from their mother.  In this case, they need to be bottle fed until they are five or six weeks old.  If bottle feeding speaks to your heart, we can provide trainers who will teach you how this is done.  ARFS  will also provide financial assistance to purchase bottle-feeding supplies.

For various reasons, some pet owners are unable to drive their pets to an animal clinic for treatment.  Volunteers are needed to take pets to vet clinics and then return them to their homes.

There is a great need for volunteers to help out at animal shelters.  (1)  Dog walkers and dog trainers are needed at some shelters.  (2) Volunteers are needed to administer medications, clean ears, and apply flea treatment. (3) Shelters need cleaned daily and are always looking for help with housekeeping and laundry chores.  (4) Feeding animals might be your desire, and certainly the animals will love you for it.  (5)  Bathing dogs is also a need, especially when the dog first arrives at the shelter.  (6)  Many shelter animals need to be socialized.  Some have been abused and abandoned and are in need of a lot of love to heal. Others have had to be surrendered and have separation anxiety from losing the pet owners they loved.  These animals need someone to assure them that they are safe.  (7)  Volunteers are also needed to transport shelter animals to and from vet clinics.  (8)  Some shelters may need office help, such as answering the phone, keeping records, greeting visitors, filling out adoption applications, and accounting.  (9)  Handymen who can do maintenance are always needed and appreciated.


A transporter drives a van full of dogs, and on occasion cats, to no-kill shelters outside the local area.  Most often this means driving to other states where animals are needed because those states have mandatory spay-neuter laws.  If you love driving, this one is for you.

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A trapper is a person who sets a trap, carefully watches over the trap until the dog or cat is trapped, and then transports the animal to a vet cinic, foster home, or shelter.  Stray dogs and cats are abundant in the GA-NC mountains, and trappers are needed to catch them for spay/neuter surgery and hopefully to find these homeless dogs and cats a safe place to live.  Don't know how to trap?  There are many animal rescuers who will gladly train you.  It's not difficult.


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